Finding the Right Coach free eBook
Finding the Right Coach eBook is a free download for coachees who want to work with an executive coach.
Finding the right coach is an important first step for coachees. Our free eBook is a supplement to our eBook “Get ready for Coaching” and is specifically designed to help you select the right coach.
Also, take a look below to see our full range of our coaching and mentoring eBooks and our mentoring conversation cards.
How we deliver Leadership Coaching
We coach our clients in a variety of ways. These include face to face coaching, telephone coaching or virtual coaching using video. We also support groups and teams with coaching and this is delivered either face to face or via virtual group coaching. Whichever coaching method is appropriate, it’s very important to ensure you have the right coach. Therefore, taking time to find the right coach for you or for your team is a critical first step. Coaching is unregulated and Executive coaches come in all shapes and sizes. They use different coaching methodologies and have a wide range of coaching backgrounds, experience and qualifications. As a consequence, it’s worth thinking about what sort of coach would be most valuable for you.
The concept of “fit” between coach and client is very important and makes a big difference to how effective and how enjoyable the coaching is for all concerned. The best coaching happens when progress is continuous and the relationship is strong. So, taking the time to know what you want from the coaching and which coach is most likely to help you achieve your goals is a critical part of the process.
Our Coaching and Mentoring eBooks and Cards
Caroline is an extraordinary coach. We have only met face-to-face on 1 occasion and yet she has been invaluable in helping me transition to a more senior role, where I needed to adapt and learn new things to focus on what is important. Her ability to listen, understand and with a few key questions trigger thoughts and actions that are needed has been of great help to me