360 Feedback Resources
360 degree feedback is a straightforward process that, done well, provides rich development for all those who take part. However, getting it right does require planning and thought.
Our resources page is designed to help you plan your 360 feedback project so that you get the best value from it for individuals and the organisation.
We have sample reports which show the power of 360 beyond the individual reports. The group report gathers aggregate data to show collective strengths and weaknesses across a selected group or whole organisation.
The Comparative report measures progress for an individual over a period of time after the first 360 report.
Download our eBrochure
Provides more information about our services and 360 degree feedback approach and previous work with clients.
360 Degree Feedback Report
Enables respondents to provide narrative text for each competency and shows scores by category.
Our 5 Step Guide
Our comprehensive guide to implementing 360 for the first time. Full of tips and food for thought.
Comparative Report
Download a sample comparative report
Group Report
Provides colourful, easy to interpret reporting using anonymised, aggregate data. Reports can be produced for different population groups and show themes and patterns in strengths and development areas.
Download a sample group report